Tuesday 31 December 2013

New guy o.O

2014 is juz a day away! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;D I cannot wait. :目

So my mom received this text msg from my skul telling us to check the skul's official website yesterday cuz apparently the class name lists were posted :) I was totally exhilarated as I can't wait to see who was kicked out of J211!! xDD Bwahahahaha. Yes I'm a meanie. >:D

To my utter disappointment, no one was shifted down to other classes D: Everyone from last yr was in the exact same class. Haiz. You'd think there was going to be some retard getting shifted down to the next class or something, and everyone is gonna be like, OMFG I cannot believe it he's getting shifted down to the other class! Let's light fireworks and sprinkle confetti all over the retarded teacher as well!

Retard is now currently my favourite word! :D Okay now back to the topic.

To my utter horror, there was going to be a new guy in class. A NEW GUY. Gaaah.

Yes you read me right. New dude in J211. OMFG. His name is pretty funny and everyone was saying how girly his name sounds. xD Bwahahahaha. Yes we're all meanies. >:)

Anyway, new guy apparently transferred from somewhere-but-whatever-cuz-no-one-cares-about-this. And his student ID number starts with 2014 so he's gonna be the only guy in class with a student ID that goes 'B2014004' O3O The 'B' means he's a transfer student, and until now did I knw what that 'B' was for .__. Previously when I saw his student ID number I actually thought he skipped grades -.- Bleh.

Yeah so this blog entry ends here now. More blogging tonight! :)

Monday 30 December 2013

New bloggie ;D

Heyy! :) So it's the end of the year again...2014 is coming soon! :D Cant wait!! ;P

Yeah so...you guys came here from my old blog, Happiness? right? :o Yes I knw this change of blogs is very sudden, and no need gasp lah, when you saw my post on switching blogs! xD

So you're wondering about why I change blogs? :O Yeah idk also leh.. -.- Presumably wanting to start over? :P I not sure lah.... =3= or maybe it was of me being bored with my old blog? o.o If at this rate, then next time I maybe will switch blog again leh! xD If I so easy get bored... ;P Haha. So by that time dont be surprised again ah, if you see this blog suddenly disappear one day and be replaced by a link to another new website xP

And yes I knw this blog now is still very ugly... -.- But I will continue designing it tmr! So be sure to check back tmr ah! :D

So that's all for today bah, since it is getting late and I have to sleep now cuz someone will 唠叨liaoo :P =3= [and no that person is not my mother (¬_¬) ]

Nights everyone! :)