Monday 30 December 2013

New bloggie ;D

Heyy! :) So it's the end of the year again...2014 is coming soon! :D Cant wait!! ;P

Yeah guys came here from my old blog, Happiness? right? :o Yes I knw this change of blogs is very sudden, and no need gasp lah, when you saw my post on switching blogs! xD

So you're wondering about why I change blogs? :O Yeah idk also leh.. -.- Presumably wanting to start over? :P I not sure lah.... =3= or maybe it was of me being bored with my old blog? o.o If at this rate, then next time I maybe will switch blog again leh! xD If I so easy get bored... ;P Haha. So by that time dont be surprised again ah, if you see this blog suddenly disappear one day and be replaced by a link to another new website xP

And yes I knw this blog now is still very ugly... -.- But I will continue designing it tmr! So be sure to check back tmr ah! :D

So that's all for today bah, since it is getting late and I have to sleep now cuz someone will 唠叨liaoo :P =3= [and no that person is not my mother (¬_¬) ]

Nights everyone! :)

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